I'm trying something new and experimenting with my yoga classes. I have memorized this great beginner flow but my students seem ready to move forward. Now I am focusing on specific areas of the body creating a theme revolved around opening that part of the body. Included are benefits to these postures and smart poses that correlate with the theme. Last Week:
The Hips
Opening the hip and hip muscles are significant for releasing emotions of control & opening oneself to new ideas, pleasure & new emotions. The seed of our creativity, figuratively & literally starts with the pelvis & hips. If we release control, we are free to express all aspects of our human creativity & our hips should move & flow without pain or issues.
(Sun B)
Downward Facing Dog
Low Lunge
Half Hanumanasana/splits
Low lunge
Warrior II
Extended Side Angle
Reverse Warrior
Chaturanga Dandasana
(Repeat opposite side, first set long, 2-3 sets 1 breath per pose)
(Crescent Series)
Crescent Lunge
Warrior III
Standing splits
Seated Twist
Fire Log
Side Plank
Runners Lunge
(repeat on opposite side)
Chair Pose/Utkatasana
Prayer twist
Gorilla Pose
Chair Pose/Utkatasana
(repeat on opposite side)
Frog/Wide Legged Crow
Warrior I
Warrior II
Prasarita Padottanasna
Warrior II
Reverse Triangle
(repeat opposite side)
***Replace Prasarita Padottanasana with a variation of Frog on the floor***
And to finish...Half Pigeon, both sides.
Class seemed to enjoy it and felt open in the hips after this flow. Enjoy.
i really wish i was in your class :( i don't know all these positions and would love to get more serious about it.